Friday, 26 February 2021

~Swimming~ 🏊

                             ~Swimming~ 🏊

Hi Bloggers today we did Swimming in the school pool. We practised falling into the pool so that we do not drown in the water, and it is important to fall in the water because If you are in an island you are surrounded by water and if you get pushed off an island and you don't know how to swim you could easily drown. Another trick we did was we had to dive under the water and keep our arms together and touch the wall and back stroke back to where we were before. Another trick we did was we did a worm pool so we had to use our buggy board and put it to our lungs and start walking so that we could make a whirlpool so after that Miss Daly had to say float and we had to float so that we could breathe. another reason that we need to float so that you don't have to waste that much energie twisting and turning everywhere.

after swimming we had some free time so I played with my friend Londyn and Paityn and of course I was the horsey and I had to go into the hoola hoop and push Londyn and Paytin but it was quite hard pushing them because they weren't like floating on the water but it was a little bit fine. after that Paityn hopped out of the pool because she did not want to take forever changing, but anyway

me and Londyn were playing in the pool with our hoola hoop still and after that I had to get out because I was feeling a bit cold so I told Miss Daly If I could get changed because I am closed then she said yes. so then after I got changed I came out and walked back to the stairs where the pool was and sat down next to Ayana and the I heard Miss Daly's voice saying "We need to get out now" so that was the time me and Ayana went to the big hill and waited for the class to come and go back to class. at the end I felt quite happy because it was really fun tipping our self in the pool it was fun.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Anthony
    What a fabulous and detailed post! As I read it I could imagine how your lesson progressed. Being safe around water is so necessary and the skills so important to become familiar with incase you were ever in a situation needing you to keep yourself safe and afloat.
    Do you feel more confident about your ability to stay safe after the lessons at school?
    Perhaps you could talk to your parents about what you have learned.
    Keep up the wonderful blogging.
