Friday 20 August 2021

Lockdown level 4🤧

  This is unfortunate, going through the same thing? I wonder how to beat this stage? I hope that no one else got infected, I hope it was none of my friends either, I wonder if  the adult survived? ,  looks like we will have to be strong to fight virus, cause if not they will fight back, we've been through this before, we've beaten it once, we need to be healthy and wash our hands before we eat and when we go toilet . this helps from getting you infected and sick so stay healthy and stay in there believe in yourself. Kia kaha New zealand stay safe be kind to each other Bye bloggers stay tuned till my next blog.


  1. Morena Anthony, I think we are all thinking the same thing and watching the news to stay informed. I am very thankful that the people involved got tested immediately. Have you had a Covid test before? It's not very fun, but that is what we need to do to do our bit and help get this under control. Maybe next time you could read your blog post out loud to yourself to check that every sentence makes sense? You also have some full stop and capital letter errors...I wonder if you can spot them? Kia kaha!

  2. Kia Ora Anthony. You are thinking hard about lockdown and what it means for all of us. As you said Kia Kaha! Good to see your online learning. Keep safe and happy in your bubble. I hope Valerie is well too. Say Hi from me. You must miss her. Keep on blogging.
